
March 27, 2016

Formative Moment in my Life – Birth of my Children

As someone explained to me in 2009, “You’re never truly prepared mentally, physically, emotionally or financially to have children. But children are the best gift God gives us.”

No truer words may have ever been spoken, as I learned first-hand with the birth of my sons in 2009 and 2012. I thought I understood what love meant, but I didn’t understand the true meaning of being a father or the love I could have for my children until they were in front of me. The joy that they have brought into my life is immeasurable, and they teach me lessons daily.

It’s those lessons which I have applied to my life: patience, perspective and perseverance. While raising children is no easy task, it is a daily exercise in learning. When we apply these lessons to business, faith, relationships, family and our community, amazing things happen.

I believe that children give us the ability to approach life in a different way, with a different outlook. One that is positive and one that gives us the confidence to make the world a better place. My hope is that, in my role as a State Representative, I can answer the call of duty to my fellow citizens. That I can help others when they need aid, and that I can be a resource for good in this thing we call “life”.

Just as I’m called to do these things for my children, I am called to be a humble servant of the people of Gainesville, Hall County and all of Georgia.

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